About Us

Africa’s current population is around 1.4 billion and is estimated to double by 2050. There is an exponential proportion of youth in several African countries with a bigger proportion of populace lesser than 25 years of age. Leading analysts say Africa is attracting huge interest among global actors as a future global market given its huge population and vast natural resources. However, as per ILO reports, tertiary education enrolment in Africa is less than 9% not to talk of skills development in Industry.

We are very confident that this massive, youthful population holds several promises for an African prosperity if the right alignment to competence building is embedded. Huge job opportunities can raise only if African youth are skilled right.

Strategic Management Architecture Research & Training Africa Limited ( Smart Africa ) was formed to inculcate talent. We feel that we are not trying to create something new, but merely to bring out the talent within every qualified African by moulding a philosophy of learning every day. Through innovative Schema, and When it comes to education, Smart Africa focuses on College leavers and those within the Industry. Right from providing internship opportunities to skills development and career development Adopting cutting edge technology platforms Smart Africa is able to provide learning content across geographies thereby creating a life long learning journey for you. We wish to integrate your requirements holistically and encompass the Industry & Governments as well. Based out of Zambia, Our consultants are highly educated and trained and have experience spanning several sectors and functions.