• Services
  • For Government

What Is a Cluster?

Clusters are geographic concentrations of interconnected companies and institutions in a particular field. Thus defines Michael Porter in his Harvard Business Review article “ Clusters and New Economics of Competition”

A Nation can prosper only if it has competence built into its citizens. Competition within the nation is mostly a zero sum game. For Nations to be identified as a potential source for goods and services, competence is a must. The Cluster concept provides for such platforms resulting in enhanced competence and amelioration of common issues that plague a particular sector through collective efficiencies. These collective efficiencies and agglomeration that the cluster can create needs to be handled by a catalytic agent and most times being the Government.

Smart Africa has the expertise to seed and develop the cluster concept in developing nations. The major functions that would need the inputs are the Ministry of Industry , Tourism where impact can be made , not to mention of other functions as well.

Smart Africa has a unique scheme called INCLUDETM (INitiative for CLUster DEvelopment) which is a prescription for your nation’s prosperity. Call us now on +260964007700 for a concept presentation.