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TWI (Training Within Industry)
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Have you thought about training your employees? It has been proven that regular training serves as a motivation to your employees and organizations that train their employees on skill sets have observed lesser attrition rates.

Smart Africa conducts In house tailor made training programs in the areas of Quality Management, Kaizen, Sales & Marketing, Key account management, Executive leadership, Change management to name a few.

On an advanced level, We can conduct series of training in the areas of Strategy , Organizational transformation under the aegis of TAPTAPTM (Talent Acquisition program, Talent Augmentation Program) .

Management Consultancy
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Organizational Transformation
In management parlance, the Covid 19 pandemic is a surprising event, Which took the world to an environmental turbulence level 5. It almost normalized global industry giving smaller ones and new businesses almost a level playing field. For existing businesses to revamp and surge forward there is a dire need for a complete organizational transformation that results in a shift in a paradigm shift from past now to future now. The need for superimposition of the new on the old cannot be over emphasized.

Smart Africa with its rich Industry and Academic resource can provide prescription for your organization to change by identifying dominant paradigms and addressing multidimensional issues that affect desired growth. High performance programming can be initiated through strategic navigation of the gaps that hinder performance. Right from conducting a gap analysis Smart Africa shall hand hold your organization through its transformational journey.

Leadership Excellence And Performance Program (LEAP)
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We are sure your senior management are doers and executors of your strategies. In how much they are strategic architects shaping your organizational goals is where Smart Africa can work with you closely. Top companies worldwide link their business strategies closely to their development strategies. Along with our transformation component of consultancy, setting a strong foundation for your senior management leadership development shall create an integrated strategy and system for the organization.

The Leadership development process is more like a puzzle which needs to fit together. The puzzle pieces include various components of competency, profile assessments, functional rotations, learning process, succession planning, recognition and mentoring to name a few. Our Leadership Quest Program aims at integrating these disjointed factors to a new whole that has a better chance of delivering results.

The LEAP program can be tailor made for your organization between one to three years of intervention. Contact us now !

ISO 9001: 2015 Implementation
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Quality is often misunderstood. Many top management and mid level managers think that final inspection is quality. A larger misconception is that Quality is expensive. History has proven these notations are wrong.

Quality can be made more affordable by having an effective Quality Management System (QMS). Again many managers think that implementing an ISO9001:2015 QMS is difficult. Wrong again! With the right approach and support from the Top management, a QMS can be easily implemented between 6–8 months.

When you are ISO 9001:2015 certified it will tell the world that you have an effective system in place. This doesn’t mean that mistakes will not happen but will assure your stakeholders, that you have a robust system that can identify and ensure such mistakes are not repeated.

Smart Africa prides itself in its vast resources of knowledge in these areas. Call us now for an appointment so we can explain How it works?

Kaizen Implementation
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Kai stands for “change” and Zen for “good” in Japanese, denoting continuous improvement. Kaizen has brought in a strong culture of team working, consensus in agreement, Cleaner and orderly workplaces, and most importantly a change in attitude of employees across hierarchies.

Did you know that by practicing Kaizen and ISO 9001:2015, companies can save as much as 25% of their profits just by process improvements and reducing wastage.

The top management at Smart Africa are the pioneers from the private sector in promoting a Kaizen and Quality movement in Zambian Industry. Our expert is certified to practice and preach Kaizen by the Japanese Productivity Council.

Call us now for an appointment so we can explain how we can integrate both Kaizen and ISO9001:2015 programs into your organization.

You have a specific issue be it Strategy, Operations, HR, Sales & Marketing or in Financial management please call us NOW at +260964007700 to get a consultation for an effective solution

Balanced Scorecard Implementation
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Balanced scorecard is a powerful strategy tool that gives a concise perspective of your organization’s direction. This latest strategic planning and management system to develop strategies and execute them helps your organization align your organizational structure with strategic objectives.

Smart Africa shall take you through step by step of the Balanced scorecard development process, and will ensure the appropriate implementation program and performance monitoring. With the right package for the size of your organization, we shall be able to cascade the methodology down the appropriate functions.

While many other strategic plans of organizations run into several pages which is seldom read, the Balanced score card model is concise to one or two pages and focuses on a set of critical parameters that define Financial, Customer, Process and Learning perspectives of your organization.

Call us now on +260964007700 for further information and discussion.