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  • For Students

Internships/Trainee opportunities
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A dedicated website internsafrica.co for providing internship opportunities for University students of various discipline. Enabled through our partnerships with Industry leaders and Chambers of Commerce the internship effort is a social initiative driving at providing a glimpse of how Industry works to university students like you.

Smart Africa has subscription models (for employers) that will prepare you for being successful at your internship so that there are larger opportunities for being considered for active employment by the employer on your completion of the course. We shall also be actively engaged during your three month internship program. You will also be eligible attend free training programs on our training platform training.smartafrica.co (separate registrations necessary)

Career planning

If you wish to apply for a job straight away we suggest you register with careersafrica.co
However, we ask you to consider doing an internship program during your final years of University for being actively considered for employment.

Certificate programs

Augment your skills by enrolling into our affordable high powered certificate programs. Please do reach out to our academic counsellors who will guide you on the right programs you may want to take for your career prospects. Visit smartafrica.co for further enrolment.

Skills development

Smart Africa is pleased to offer you several training programs some of them free and some fee based to augment your skills. These will put you on a higher preference for a job position where several applicants are competing. These are short video based programs that will give you knowledge and may train you for performance from day 1 at your internship program or employment. Visit us at training.smartafrica.co for further details and enrolment.


Are the training programs free?
Some of the programs are free, and some are fee based. A fee based subscription will entail you to specific fee based skills development programs either free or at a discount (coupon) during the period of subscription. Also You will be placed on our mentoring list which means you can ask questions related to your career or work which shall be responded for. While your questions will be normally answered in less than an hour, depending on the time zone and time, we ask for 24 hrs maximum response time.
What will I gain from enrolling in to a certificate or skills development program?
The ease of attending the program from wherever you are and on any appropriate gadget you may have. What you get is a mobile school. Our learning management system provides for android and ios integrations which means that you can watch from your smart phone as well. All fee paying programs come with an e-certificate which shall be enhancing your chances of employment compared to those who have not.
Are the subscription fees refundable?
No.Once subscribed you may want to cancel and the subscription shall be valid till its expiry date.
Is my enrolment or subscription transferrable?
No. Please note that these are your personality development efforts which go a long way in shaping your career path. Hence it may be illegal to ask someone to represent you. Our certificates shall be issued to the name of person as registered through the email id provided since we may not be aware of the actual person.
What are the guarantees for getting a job or sustaining a job?
You will note that Smart Africa are facilitators. We can provide an enabling platform for your growth. However, the learning abilities and skills of individuals vary from person to person. Your efforts to learning and being competitive is your only guarantee. We shall be too happy to support you in that endeavour.
What kind of payment modes are supported?
We have an arrangement with online secure payment gateways. You are expected to pay only through those available channels. Please note that we do not accept cash at any point of time. Smart Africa will be responsible only on transactions done on our authorized payment gateways.
Why does Smart Africa have only one email id?
Kindly note that for purposes of integrating several efforts of our, we have chosen to singularize communication to an unique email id. Our various representatives shall respond to your queries from the same id in order to have cohesiveness. We may look at expanding this to particular divisions at a later stage. Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to write to us on info@smartafrica.co