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  • For Employees

Job Portal

Training portal

Recruitment & Career planning
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A dedicated website for providing employment opportunities for employees having atleast an year of work experience. The job portal gives you the leverage to apply for jobs being posted by the employers to which you can apply for appropriate opportunities.

Smart Africa has subscription models that will prepare you for being successful at your employment so that there are larger opportunities for being considered for active employment by prospective employer. What is unique about our efforts is the fact that we handhold you through your career journey where skills development shall play a major role. Our affordable membership subscription model provides you with several learning opportunities to access fee paying training programs either free or at an attractive discount. These are available on our training platform training.smartafrica.co (separate registration necessary)

Fee paying subscribers may be hot listed for appropriate job requirements from employer postings plus they shall benefit from our counselling division on career path including discounts for assessment of personality profiles. These personality profiles do not specify if the candidate is good or bad but merely will reflect an indication of role suitability. This we believe will increase chances of your being recruited for potential positions.

Skills enhancement & Certification programs

Management has two domains mainly Operational management and Strategic management. Operational management involves learning on enhancing efficiencies and mostly driven internally while Strategic management involves learning on enhancing effectiveness and is driven externally. Smart Africa carefully analysed several learning opportunities and are continuously hosting relevant training programs on cutting edge topics that will help you in practical management at your work place and outshine your peers.

There are free training programs while there are fee paying ones. If you are subscribed as a member of Smart Africa community you shall be eligible for fabulous discounts and availing a certificate on specific training programs.

The list of training programs keep adding every month and you are encouraged to keep checking regularly.

Continuing Education

Smart Africa shall be available for counsel to guide members on their prospects for continuing education. We have observed that many candidates seldom have direction in choosing programs and enrol regularly for various certificate programs that do not add value to their candidature, and worst it may be a scope for disqualification as well. Our expert team will guide you for appropriate courses.


Is subscription to careers Africa portal free?
Yes basic subscription of loading your CV is free. We have very affordable and attractive membership schemes that will provide lots of benefits. We encourage you to invest in the membership scheme so that you can derive more returns from enjoying bundles of benefits that come with it.

A paid subscription will entail your CV to be sent to the prospective employer seeking suitable candidature from our end. You will appreciate that employers are bombarded for every position by many relevant and irrelevant applications. While our efforts may not result in a job offer, it may be noticed by the employer. This benefit comes free along with several other offers and discounts on training programs.